Potential minus interference = performance!
Ask yourself these three questions.
1. What do I have going for me right now?
2. What is interfering with my ability to use these resources?
2. How can I make the best use of these resources in any and every situation despite the interference?
My definition for MAXIMIZE is to INCREASE or make as GREAT AS POSSIBLE!
We all know that life is not going to be a bed of roses and we also know that bad things happen to good people so it’s no use trying to pretend that to be successful life has to always be sweet. That’s not reality.
But like I and others have said before, it’s not what happens to you that make the difference it’s how you respond to what happens to you. We always have a choice about how we deal with the circumstances we find ourselves in whether they are good bad or indifferent.
“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade”.
So the key to maximising your potential is not looking for that perfect moment but rather looking at each and every situation and asking ….
How can I improve this situation using the gifts and talents that I have in my hand right now?
Here are FIVE keys to help you maximize your potential.
1. Knowing and believing that everything and anything can get better or be increased is the first step to MAXIMIZING anything.
2. Take what you have and work with it intentionally to improve your situation or your job your relationships or your life.
3. To maximize some things some things may have to be minimized.
4. Focus on maximizing others and you will maximize yourself.
5. Keep looking at Jesus who was and is the great maximizer who does abundantly more that all we ask or think according to the power of God that works within us!
Remember what you focus on is what you get!
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