1. Forgiveness: we all know that the people that love us the most are the people that have the potential to hurt us the most and that vice versa the people that we love the most are the ones we tend to hurt the most despite our best intentions. It follow then that we need to cultivate a culture of forgiveness to enable intimacy and trust to grow stronger in spite of the vulnerability that is part and parcel of such relationships
2. Mercy: mercy simply means that we don't get the judgement we deserve and it often translates into powerful acts of kindness and generosity which enhance and liberate the lives and futures of those to whom mercy has been shown. We all need mercy at sometime or other and if we are going to maximise our relationships we also need to have an attitude of mercy to those who inhabit our world.
People will make mistakes, they will mess up, we all do and when we do mercy rather than judgement paves the way for reconciliation and unity.
Love covers a multitude of sins.
These habits are easy to talk about and agree on but the practice of them can be challenging and sometimes painful but like the marathon runner we must push on through the pain barrier in order to achieve the goal and win the prize.
So you can add value, improve and enhance your relationships today by being a forgiver and an agent of mercy and remember in the words of the one who once made a way for us all to know mercy and forgiveness.......
Treat others in the same way that you would like to be treated
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