Thursday, July 26, 2012

Its time to get intentional!

We all have the same amount of time and so it is not about the amount of time that we have but about what we do within the framework of those hours, days, weeks and years that makes us more or less effective.

For many years as a teens and into my early twenties I had no desire to plan my time preferring instead to be spontaneous (and I believed inspired) which I was very good at and I did manage in many circumstances to fly by the seat of my pants and still make things work, despite a lack of planning and preparation. 

However I eventually began to realize that often I could have done so much better and worked more easily with others if I had invested some time planning my days and weeks and preparing for events and tasks with some forethought. I began to make some changes and started to use a time planner and as time went on the changes began to stick. 

Admittedly it has not been something that has come naturally to me but over the years as I have become increasingly more thoughtful and intentional about my schedule I have noticed the following benefits.
  1. I am able to fit more things into my life because I now  have a plan and a set of priorities
  2. I am able to achieve a better outcome from things that I have prepared for because I have made the time to prepare for them.
  3. I enjoy the anticipation of looking forward to events that I have planned for in advance
  4. I work better with other people because they knew what I am doing in advance and can schedule their own lives and priorities so we can work more closely and effectively as a team.
  5. I have got better at saying NO to things as I now have a set of principles that help me set my own agenda instead of being driven by other people’s agendas.

What are you doing with your time?
Are you spending time or investing it?
Are you planning your life or simply drifting along taking things as they come?
Are you being intentional about your life or is it a case of whatever will be will be?

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