Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Are you getting help on the journey?

I have recently returned from a trip to the beautiful country of Burundi in central Africa where I was helping to deliver some teaching for the development of pastors and leaders in the Anglican Church. On a bus journey into the mountains  I took the photograph below of these cyclists getting help with a very long uphill journey which will save them loads of time and effort in reaching the top.

Apparently for a small fee they are allowed to hold onto the back of the larger and more powerful vehicle which will pull them up as long as they keep holding on.

This wise use of their resources got me thinking .........

When was the last time I intentionally invested my time or money in something or someone in order to help me reach my intended destination quicker and easier than if I struggled on my own?

God has placed us in families and in church communities filled with people and resources which are available for us should we choose to access them. I certainly know that there are people around me who would help me to go further and reach higher , to be more effective, and more fruitful in work and ministry if I accessed  their wisdom and experience on a regular basis.

In addition there are a myriad of resources in terms of books, articles , blogs and multi media recordings which deliver good solid guidance and transformational teaching to enable success and productivity in life's journey. The thing is I need to get more intentional about identifying people who have already been where I want to go and resources which will help me get there. However that will cost me time and money.....

Am I willing to pay the cost to get significant help on the way to the top of my own personal mountain?

But what about YOU?

A few suggestions of things to do intentionally to help you on your journey.

  • Read books/blogs that will teach you how to be better at what you do
  • Listen to a pod cast/teaching tapes that will inspire you to grow
  • Enrol on a training course that will help you learn new skills
  • Ask someone you admire or respect to mentor you
  • Attend a conference that interests you.
  • Find people who share your passion and learn from each other.
  • Join a church
  • Hire a life coach

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