- Be Grateful: Focus on the blessing you have not on what
you think you lack
- Be Generous: Focus
on what you can give rather that what you can get
- Be Encouraging: Focus on building up rather than pulling
- Be Selfless: Focus
on finding significance through serving others
- Be Mindful: Focus
on enjoying the finer details of each life-moment
- Be Happy: Focus
on choosing your response to the ups and downs of life
- Be Excellent: Focus on being the best you can be in every
- Be Caring: People
want to know how much you care before they care about what you know.
- Be Diplomatic: Maintaining
good relations as far as it depends on you builds unity/harmony
- Be Intentional: Success and significance in any field never occur by chance or accident.
But above everything else
Guard you heart for everything you do
flows from it!
But above everything else
Guard you heart for everything you do
flows from it!