Friday, November 09, 2012

Putting the cart before the horse

Are you waiting for the right time to do something and you never commit because it just doesn't feel right?
Are you involved in something that although it feels good you have a nagging thought that makes you sense that maybe this is wrong?

Are you driven by how you feel or are you basing your decisions on something more reliable?

If we are ever going to be the best we can be and become what we are made for then we must learn to understand the main drivers in our lives. Our lives were never meant to be driven by emotions alone as these are an unreliable barometer of reality and often misinform us about what is actually right and proper for us to be doing at any one time.

Just because something feels good, does not mean that it is doing you good!

The way we are thinking, our mind set. our perspective or paradigm is the thing which drives our feelings and when that perspective is out of tune with truth and actual reality then our feelings will drive behaviour that may result in poor outcomes and the unravelling of our lives and relationships.

The way we mange money is a good example of this when tempted by mass marketing we often spend more that we can afford because it makes us feel wealthy or successful to have many possessions.However we see around us that the result for many is debt and poverty.

 As a man thinks so he is!

The only way  to be certain of making decisions which are sound and promote well-being in our lives and experience is to base those decisions on truth and sound principles which have been proven over many years to work and keep on working.

 As a committed Christian I have found that following the principles found in the Bible has always put me in a better position to enjoy and appreciate my life and to maximise my resources. However when I have simply followed my feelings whilst ignoring those principles then things have become difficult in all sorts of ways.

Don't wait until something feels right, find out what is right and do it and then your feelings will follow!