Monday, June 18, 2012

Cultivating Confident Expectations

What a positive difference it would make to how you feel about your daily life if you could look forward to something good from the hand of God happening to you on an ongoing basis. If we are going to live like that we will need to cultivate confident expectations which are firmly based on the word of God and the character of God rather than on our circumstances and past experiences.

A great example of that kind of hope is found in Psalm 27 when David says that despite the fact that his enemies were out to get him and that he was being falsely accused, he remained confident that he was going to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Similarly when we as Christians put our trust in what God has said, what God has done  and who God is we can also confidently expect that God will work good things into our lives because as our loving heavenly father he knows how to give good gifts to his children.

So lets get hold of Gods promises , lets memorise them, lets meditate on them and then when we have made the truth part of who we are lets move out on them. And when we do move out on Gods word we will make a significant impact and expand our influence as our faith comes alive and even more so as we continue to confidently expect good things from the hand of  God.