Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wishful thinking....

There are some things I wish I had never done and some things I wish I had never seen, places I wish I had never been. There are images I wish I had never allowed my eyes to linger upon and words I would rather not have heard and even more words that would have been better left unsaid. 

There are failures that it would be nice to forget and emotions that would be nice to recall. There are people with whom I have lost touch who once were called my friends and some people I never took the time to get to know would have enriched my life but at the time I did not know what I did not know.

The thing is I can't go back and relive those moments and rewrite my story I only have TODAY in which to live and choose and to make the most of the new opportunities , challenges and adventures that life throws up every day.
As that is  the case I choose to stop my wishful thinking and instead live each day with intention and purpose believing that I am made for something bigger than myself and that in the big scheme of things God has a perfect plan and purpose for me to fulfil in spite of my past failures and regrets.

My future is secure as I hope in God and as I go forward into another day or another week I can truly believe with all my heart that "the end of a matter is better that the beginning " and that
"the best is yet to come".

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Keeping on keeping on!

When the climb is long and steep many of us face the temptation to give up and settle for an easier life in the valley rather than risk the dangers on the mountain. Those faced with this challenge desperately need the power of encouragement to help them to hold on, to climb higher and to keep on keeping on.

On reflection I can identify three types of encouragement that have inspired and strengthen my own resolve and helped me to sharpen up my act as I try to fulfil my potential and embrace my destiny.

When someone recognises our gifts and talents and take the time to tell what they have observed we are affirmed in our gifting and inspired to keep honing those gifts and to seek more opportunities to use them in our new and creative ways.We go further and climb higher.

Who do you need to recognise today?

We all have blind spots and a rebuke can be very hard to take, but when it is truth spoken in love and we respond positively , it can inspire significant personal growth and development which can transform our lives, relationships and careers for the better. We change and we can grow! 

Remember if you need to rebuke someone, earn the right to do so by first of all affirming them!

Allowing someone we trust and respect to speak into our lives is an inestimable privilege. When we stand on the shoulders of those who have travelled further and climbed higher than ourselves we can see new possibilities, new horizons, new adventures and greater potential. 

Do you have a mentor or coach who gives you the opportunity to refocus and renew your vision?

Take the time to encourage someone today, it could change their whole lives!